...the debt-free way to get things done!
Keep your skills and talents alive and up-to-date
Stay connected within your community
Give purpose to your day
Feel good about yourself
Share your knowledge and capability
Build on your experience for a better future.
With Volunteer Labour Exchange, you 'pay' for the labour you get by volunteering your own labour in exchange.
To take part, email volunteerlabourexchange@gmail.com:
give (1) your full name, (2) your contact details, (3) your location, (4) what you can volunteer to do and (5) what you need a volunteer to do for you.
We have gotten used to the idea of trading our labour in exchange for money, job benefits and social status but it wasn't always this way. Before business and the Industrial Revolution we bartered our labour, with me helping you today and you helping me tomorrow. The exchange honoured both of us, developed us and our community and ensured that whatever needed to be done was done. No money changed hands. There were no job benefits and there was no social status attached, just volunteering by and for everyone.
Volunteer Labour Exchange is a labour barter system. It works by you giving your time, energy and talents in voluntary service to someone else and drawing on that service when you, too, need something done. This kind of good-neighbourliness is at the core of every community and through Volunteer Labour Exchange is freely available to everyone who asks for it.
Volunteers are asked to be ready, willing and able to do what they say they can do and if they can't do something, to say so.
Every volunteer contribution made carries the same value, regardless of who "gives" and who "gets".
Everyone taking part is asked to use the same discretion as they would in all their dealings with others. Volunteer Labour Exchange is based on trust. The volunteer is trusted to behave professionally at all times and the person accepting their service is expected to be honourable, honest and trustworthy in what they ask the volunteer to do.
To access Volunteer Labour Exchange, email volunteerlabourexchange@gmail.com:
give (1) your full name, (2) your contact details, (3) your location, (4) what you can volunteer to do and (5) what you need a volunteer to do for you.
Volunteer Labour Exchange matches up the information and passes on the relevant contact details, with each "giver" and "getter" taking full responsibility for how the volunteer exchange works out between them.
VOLUNTEER LABOUR EXCHANGE IS A FREE SERVICE THAT YOU TAKE PART IN AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please ensure your safety, security and privacy when taking part in Volunteer Labour Exchange, especially when accepting the services of a person in your home or its environs. By taking part in Volunteer Labour Exchange you agree to hold neither the Exchange co-ordinator nor anyone affiliated with Volunteer Labour Exchange responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Volunteer Labour Exchange-related communication, service, service provision or interaction.
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