Sunday, October 10, 2010

Free Consultation on CV presentation and design

Volunteer Labour Exchange provides, for a limited period only, an introductory free consultation on CV presentation and design.
To take part, email with:
1. your full name
2. your contact details
3. your location
4. what you can volunteer to do
5. what you need a volunteer to do for you.

If you want to take up this introductory free consultation offer, which is available for a limited period only, please attach your CV to the email.

VOLUNTEER LABOUR EXCHANGE IS A FREE SERVICE THAT YOU TAKE PART IN AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please ensure your safety, security and privacy when taking part in Volunteer Labour Exchange, especially when accepting the services of a person in your home or its environs. By taking part in Volunteer Labour Exchange you agree to hold neither the Exchange co-ordinator nor anyone affiliated with Volunteer Labour Exchange responsible or liable for any circumstance resulting from a Volunteer Labour Exchange-related communication, service, service provision or interaction.

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